"Gripping, visceral, and bleak - all the essential ingredients of a post-apocalyptic heart-stopper."
- review of Apocalyptic Organ Grinder from David Dunwoody, author of Empire's End
"This extremely dark novella is disturbing. Yet, it's a fascinating kind of disturbing that is hard to stop reading. The way the two cultures in the story are presented is a strange but believable variation of the usual post-apocalyptic theme and the the plot is situated in such a way that there are no "good guys" or "bad guys"- there's just a bunch of miserable people trying to survive. I found that this book had one of the best endings I've read in a long time. This is worth taking a look at."
- Review of Apocalyptic Organ Grinder from Jeremy Stephens
Click Here to read Colleen Wanglund's (Horror Fiction Review, Monster Librarian) review of Shadow of the Woodpile on
"Vivid, imaginative and wonderfully twisted! Roped me in and kept my attention wondering what would happen next! An absolute MUST read!"
- review of Shadow of the Woodpile from Bridget Squires, author of Lasting Impressions of Terror
"William Todd Rose is one of those writers you discover and feel as if you've discovered a gem. This guy's writing is way above par. Tight plot lines, characters that live and breathe -- and sometimes die. There are a lot of books to choose from these days. I hate to waste my time on a loser. If you feel the same, let me assure you, buying anything written by W.T. Rose will leave you satisfied. I wouldn't steer you wrong. If you want a good read -- something worthy of your time and money -- grab Cry Havoc and enjoy."
- review of Cry Havoc from Carl Hose, author of Dead Rising